Dosanko Gyaru Wiki

Mai Fuyuki (冬木 舞, Fuyuki Mai) is the mother of Minami Fuyuki who is also a gyaru and supports her daughter's advances toward Tsubasa.


Mai is depicted as an older woman with purple eyes and orange hair. Tsubasa once pointed out that she looks almost identical to Minami and having a strong bloodline.

She tends to wear regular causal clothes (despite being a gyaru) and also has gold loop earrings.


Similar to her daughter Minami, Mai can come off quite mindless at times, even embarrassing both Tsubasa and Minami by teasing them. Despite this, she is in full support of her daughter.



Osamu Fuyuki[]

Osamu is Mai's husband.

Minami Fuyuki[]

She cares very much for her older daughter and supports her daughter's advances toward Tsubasa.

Momo Fuyuki[]

Momo is Mai's youngest daughter who she dotes on a lot.


Tsubasa Shiki[]

Mai, from the get-go, approved of Tsubasa. Her daughter would always talk about Tsubasa about all the great things he does. She can get flustered if Tsubasa unknowingly flirts with her but thinks highly of him and his relationship with her daughter.



  • The name Mai means ""love, affection, fondness." (舞) (mai).
  • Mai's surname Fuyuki means "winter" (冬) (fuyu) and "tree, wood" (木) (ki).